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Revision programme at Lutterworth High School powered by SOCS

SOCS Modules used


Staff users


Clubs & Societies offered each year


Music lessons scheduled per year


Sports teams per year


Sport fixtures per year


Lutterworth High School is dedicated to providing the best experience for their students and parents.  Having experience of SOCS Co-curricular to manage their busy activity programme, they realised that they could harness the power of SOCS to run their revision sessions.  Find out more from Emma Cochrane, Head of Key Stage 4.  

Emma Cochrane, Head of Key Stage 4, talks about harnessing the power of SOCS to run the revision programme available at Lutterworth
‘In terms of pupil engagement it's been fantastic because we’re able to see how many students are signed up. From a teacher's point of view we know what resources to prep and rooms to book so we’ve got the right spaces allowed... it allows it to be more bespoke for the needs of the students.’
Emma Cochrane Head of Key Stage 4 at Lutterworth High School

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